Guidelines to Commenting.

Commenting on other people’s posts and blogs can be a very exctiting, fun, and engaging way for others to interact with and communicate with others online. However, while commenting on other people’s blogs may be exciting, there are stil several rules and guidelines one should follow.

1. Proofread your comment. If someone comments someothing on anothers post, whether it be constuctive criticism of a question, it is very important for them to proofread their comment. If one doesn’t proofread the comment may be very unclear and messy making it difficult for the reciever and others to understand what you are trying to state in your comment.

2. Maintain privacy. Privacy is one of the most important rules of commenting. If privacy is not maintained, other online hackers may get access to your private information through unsafe knowledge you post online.

3. Stay on topic. If a commentor curves off topic when commenting, they may change the whole coveration people are having in the comments, making the point of the post unclear.

4. Be respectful. Kindness and constructive criticism is very vital to a safe online environment. If someone is to post something disrespectful to someone’s blog in the comment section, the author of the blog may become very offended and emotionally harmed. This is also referred to as “cyber-bullying”

5. Offer constructive criticism. In many situations commenters do not comment in order to ask a question or make a statement, but they wish to offer advice as to how one’s blog may be made better. This is known as constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is always kind and upbeat to the reciever and is meant to make one’s post better by addressing the author’s mistakes in a kind fashion.

When one knows these guidelines to commenting, they will instantly become a better poerson both in the online and offline commenting world.

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